RiverSource Life Insurance Company

RiverSource Life Insurance Company
1099 Ameriprise Financial Center
Minneapolis, MN 55474-0010
(612) 671-3131

Riversource Life Insurance Company is a private insurance provider categorized under Life Insurance Carriers and located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was established and incorporated in the state of Minnesota in 1957. With over 53 years of providing quality products and services, the company has an annual revenue of $3,424,000,000 and employs a staff of approximately 99. Timothy Bechtold serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Riversource Life.

The company is known for its solid history, strong financials, and sound solutions. This is why clients can trust the company for the long term. The company’s wise financial management enables it to meet its financial obligations responsibly. Riversource Life is constantly ranked in the highest categories by top rating agencies such as A.M. Best, Fitch, Moody’s, and Standard and Poor’s. As of August 30, 2010, the company has an A+ or superior rating from A.M. Best, which is the second highest of 15 ratings. As of June 21, 2010, Riversource Life has an AA- or very strong rating from Fitch, which is fourth highest of 24 ratings, while Moody’s provided an Aa3 or excellent rating (fourth highest of 21 ratings) for the company as of March 08, 2010. Standard & Poor’s gave a rating of AA- or very strong (fourth highest of 21 ratings) as of June 29, 2010. All the rating agencies gave a Stable outlook for Riversource Life.

Riversource Life provides innovative and dependable insurance and annuity products. Its conservative risk management practices guarantees that it produces sound solutions. Riversource annuities include retirement income solutions that help individuals make a more financially secure future. Annuities can be modified to help meet changing needs and retirement goals. It offers variable annuities and fixed annuities. Riversource innovative protection solutions centers on providing financial stability and flexibility with life and disability income insurance.

Its life insurance can be used to help ensure survivor income. This guarantees financial security in the event of sudden and unexpected loss of life. Clients can pass their death benefits directly to beneficiaries, tax free. The company’s life insurance plans also offers retirement income. Aside from protection, some Riversource life insurance policies help customers put up cash value for future goals, such as retirement. The policies also help provide opportunities for clients to take part in the market. Any of their potential earnings that grow are tax deferred. Clients can access the cash value through tax free loans and withdrawals, and they can choose how to build their portfolio. Another advantage of life insurance from Riversource is the ability to transfer wealth. When clients use some of their assets to purchase a life insurance policy, they secure a death benefit amount higher than the amount of premiums paid right away. In addition, instead of relying on asset growth, some life insurance policies guarantee a death benefit. Clients can also plan their estate. Life insurance proceeds can help replace the amount of the legacy that is lost due to taxes.

With RiverSource disability income insurance solutions, clients can pick from three predesigned options using the company’s core disability income protection products. These options include base coverage, which provides essential disability income insurance protection with maximum income and occupation protection for a limited period; enhanced coverage, which provides a benefit when the insured is unable to work in his or her job and is not working elsewhere; and comprehensive coverage, which provides a benefit when the insured is unable to work in his or her job, even if working in another job, up to age 65. Clients are given the opportunity to customize the coverage that would be right for them.