Accumulated Amount

The total amount initially invested into the insurance account plus the calculated sum of the interests earned for the whole duration of the account is termed in insurance as the accumulated amount. It can be sufficiently stated that it is the amount to which the initial investment sums at a predefined interest rate.

An annuity is a life insurance product which saves you from the risk of outliving your income. It may be regarded as the top among other life insurance products that most investors purchased but in any type of annuity, any growth in an investment is tax-deferred until the accumulated amount is withdrawn. In the US, a withdrawal made by an insured under the age of 59 ½ years old is to be issued a 10% tax penalty. Investing in an annuity requires an individual to set up first a chosen type of annuity to his financial investment portfolio. Other than that, an initial investment entrusted by the client to the insurer would then immediately establish the existence of the insurance account.

Like most banking systems, some insurance companies demand a certain capital requirement. State regulators institute these capital requirements for insurance companies so as to ensure the sufficiency of every initial investment. The set interest rate of a certain type of policy must also be determined before making this important decision concerning your future’s financial assurance.

The total accumulated amount is similarly associated with the insurance index. Insurance index gives the value of the account surrendered at the 10- or 20-year mark, plus the interest on any implicated dividends calculated at 5 percent. Increase in the index of the chosen policy may also be determined by two common methods: point to point and averaging method. Point to point method verifies the index value on a particular date which is then compared to the index value in a predefined time. The average method resolves on the index value every day. An average index value for that year will be compared to the average value of the previous year.

As it is said, the accumulated amount is obtained by the sum of the capital amount and the stipulated interest. To calculate the stipulated interest earned, it is to be reminded that the interest is a function of Future Value, Present Value and the number of times the interest is applied. Compound interest targets the capital, but gets much interest as well. Simple interest targets on the capital only.

Few cases occur that there will be an excess in the part of the insured. Excess is actually the amount payable by the insured which is commonly being intended as the first amount falling due, in an incident of loss, customary in the maritime insurances. Aside from the excess amount, there is the actuarial reserve which is the present value of the future cash flows. The sum of those actuarial reserves for each single policy is what will be the total liability of the insurer. Due to this, regulated insurers have obligations to keep offsetting assets in order to compensate this future liability.