Can an Adult Child Insure the Patient Without Their Knowledge?

It is but natural for any child to wish the best for his or her parents so it does not come as a surprise if you wish to purchase life insurance policy for your parents. Is this possible? It may be possible if and only if you can get the following sets of requirements without their knowledge which can be quite a challenge.

Medical Examination
All interested policy buyers need to undergo medical examination. There is no way anyone can avoid it. You may try sending out their annual medical examination records but most insurance company prefer medical examination results given by their own physicians. These physicians will handle the medical examinations for you and the surety company will not charge you anything in advance. At times you may even request that they go to your house and conduct the physical examination at the comfort of your own home.

Medical Questionnaire
As part of the surety company’s evaluation procedure, you will be required to answer a medical questionnaire. If you are in charge of all the medical records of your parents, then you can easily answer this for them. Typical questions include use of drug like nicotine or alcohol in the past.

Additional tests
If need be, the surety company may request that the aspiring policy holder undergo more medical tests like chest X-rays, EKG’s, and treadmill tests. If this happens, then there is no way that you can hide your intent to purchase your parents an insurance policy unless you trick them into believing that this is simply part of their annual routine medical check-up.

Recommendations and Suggestions
It would certainly be better if you can discuss your desire to purchase an insurance policy for your parents. They may not understand it at first but after explaining to them the benefits of getting their own life insurance may eventually convince them to consent with your plan. What you can do at the moment is to gather all the necessary requirements that you can so when you present your intention to them, they will see that you have carefully studied the consequences of purchasing life insurance policies.

Research Quotes
There are several insurance companies which offer free online quote. Take time and compare these quotes from one another for you to get the cheapest price without compromising on the quality of the policy you will get.

Common information which the online systems will ask you to enter are: age, sicknesses and diseases, type of policy and the scope of the coverage which you wish to purchase for them. So make sure you have all of this basic information before you start searching the worldwide web for cheap and reasonable online quotes.

Find More About The Company
Finding cheap quotes will not be enough. It is absolutely necessary for you to investigate the credibility of the surety company. Some insurance companies stay for just a few years in the business and soon files bankruptcy leaving behind hundreds of policy holders who gave them their trust. So it would be better if you consult your desire to purchase policy holders with a few of your friends and relatives who already purchased one for themselves and their parents.